Underwater audio recording and full face masks

Underwater communications work wirelessly through the water between any number of divers and also to the supervisor on the surface. For this to happen each diver needs a full face mask, 2010 transceiver and supervisors top box, all these items can be seen in the images to the left of this page.
We can also capture the audio directly from the mask onto a housed audio recorder such as the Tascam DR-044 unit to give the best quality audio possible, and this method also removes the possibility of audio failure due to a faulty 2010 too, so it’s a foolproof and reliable system.
We also have underwater hydrophones (known as DRS, diver recall system) that broadcast audio to everyone in the water within a small area such as a swimming pool, which removes the need for divers to wear a full face mask. The only limitations of the DRS is that divers cannot talk to each other or the surface, so it’s a listen only device but an easy and effective one at that

Please see the video below on how we record top quality audio underwater, the full face masks you see in the film are our OTS Guardian’s with the oral – nasal pocket in place which means you can’t see any movement from the mouth

For a complete list of all our underwater housings and equipment which can be downloaded as a PDF please click here

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